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How to get a job as an Electrician in Australia?

Getting a job as an Electrician in Australia will depend on the current job market; most areas of Australia are searching for Electricians we are finding all the main cities of Australia require Electricians including Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

For an Electrician to work in Australia they are required to hold an Electrical registration, most migrants will be eligible for your Electrical provisional registration if you follow the steps we set out for you.

Upon completion of your Australian Electrical skills assessment you will receive your OTSR (Off-Shore Technical Skills Record). You take this to any Australian Electrical State Regulator to receive your Electrical provisional registration.

The Down Under Centre works with many Electrical employers who want English speaking, skilled migrants. Our employers hire our Electricians moving to Australia via our DUC Employment Hub. The DUC Employment Hub will also explain how to prepare for your move to Australia and has a section that explains what each state requires for Electricians to apply for their Australian Electrical registration.

Our Relocation Team in Australia can also help Electricians with Australian employment opportunities.

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