Sheet Metal Trades skills assessment Australia

The Down Under Centre works with TRA Approved Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to deliver the skills assessment for the purpose of migration to Australia. We assist Sheet Metal Trades workers emigrating to Australia. Sheet Metal Trades Worker ANZSCO Code 322211.

If you are a Sheet Metal Worker you will be required to complete the mandatory Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment for migration to Australia. On completion of the skills assessment, you will be granted your Australian Certificate III in in Engineering – Fabrication. This will be invaluable for employment once you arrive in Australia.

See our Frequently Asked Questions for Sheet Metal Trade Workers emigrating to Australia.

If you would like to see if you are eligible for an Australian skilled visa, complete our free visa points calculator and our Migration Consultants will be happy to advise on your options. You can also call us on 0203 376 1555 to speak with Wes Zandt who can discuss the Carpenter skills assessment with you.

Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment Australia process

The skills assessment process for Sheet Metal Trades Workers is divided into 2 stages. Sheet Metal Trades Workers will receive the full Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication as well as their skills assessment letter which is required for Australian migration.

​1.  Documentary Assessment for Sheet Metal Trades skills assessment Australia $1,120

This part of the skills assessment and in fact the Visa is considered to be the most difficult part. You will need to prove that you are a qualified or an experienced Sheet Metal Trades Worker.

  • If you hold trade related qualifications, you’ll be asked to prove you have a minimum of 3 years’ work experience.
  • If you don’t have trade related qualifications, you’ll be asked to prove you have a minimum of 5 years’ work experience.

You will also need to prove that you have worked as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker for 12 months out of the last 36 months. You will be asked to supply bank statements, payslips, employment references as well as photos of your work.

Down Under Centre Agency Service £600 + VAT

It is very important to remember that most of your evidence gathering for your Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment is also required for your visa. The Down Under Centre can provide you with an agency service £600 + VAT to assist you with the gathering of your documentation for your Australian skills assessment, as it is considered to be the most difficult stage of your visa application. The Down Under Centre will also be able to advise how many years of work experience will be required to give you maximum points for your visa to migrate to Australia as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker. Please call us on 0203 376 1555 to enquire about our agency service and how it can specifically help you.

2. Technical Interview for Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment Australia $2,000

The final part of your skills assessment as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker is an online Technical interview.

We will organise an Australian Qualified Sheet Metal Trades Worker who is also an Australian qualified trainer and assessor in all engineering fabrication components to discuss your skills application with you as well as your everyday working life as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker. The Down Under Centre has never had a client that has required a site visit, as we work closely with our engineers to ensure that this does not need to happen. The assessors understand that you may be anxious and nervous. They will discuss your application with you in a calm manner in a relaxed environment and do all they can to assist you and put you at ease.

See our testimonials from DUC clients migrating to Australia

Free Australian Visa Points Calculator

Complete our Free Australian Visa points calculator below to see if you eligible for a visa to Australia.

Sheet Metal Trade Workers duties in Australia

There is a demand for Sheet Metal Trades Workers in Australia as Australia has a growing economy and an ageing population meaning the workforce is drying up. Sheet Metal Trades Worker in Australia need to complete a four-year apprenticeship to obtain their certificate III in engineering and fabrication. Sheet Metal Trades Worker ANZSCO Code 322211.

Sheet Metal Trades Workers in Australia work in workshops to provide structured Sheet Metal. Scope of work for Sheet Metal Trades Workers may include making flashings and ducting, products and component for sheet metal and machinery.

Sheet Metal Trades Workers in Australia will be required to complete the following tasks.

• Read and interpret shop drawings.
• Determine job and materials required.
• Set up and use folders, guillotines, brake presses, seamers. Braise steel.
• MIG weld.
• TIG Weld.
• Solder selecting metal stock, such as stainless steel, galvanised iron, mild steel, aluminium and copper, and checking sizes, gauges and other dimensions of metal stock against specifications.
• Marking out metal stock with reference points and lines, using templates, gauges and other measuring instruments.
• Cutting metal stock along guidelines using hand and power shears, guillotines and drills.
• Shaping and forming cut metal stock into products using folding and bending machines, rollers, presses and hammers.
• Fitting and assembling components into final products by welding, riveting, soldering, brazing and otherwise joining.
• Finishing products by polishing, filing, sanding and cleaning assembled products may repair damaged sheet metal products and components.
• May specialise in fabrication, or on-site assembly and installation, of sheet metal products may produce aircraft sheet metal components requiring advanced drawing and calculating skills

Join our Free Australian Migration Webinars

Sheet Metal Trade Worker jobs in Australia

Engineers and Sheet Metal Trades Workers in Australia can be very well paid. The demand for Sheet Metal Trade Workers to work in Australia has risen over the years.

The DUC Employment Hub is a tool that connects migrants to employers in Australia as well as providing you with a relocation hub to make your journey to Australia smoother. Jobs are being posted every day. Sign up today to connect with employers.

Sheet Metal Trade Workers emigrating to Australia FAQs

The Australian Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment has 2 stages. You are required to prove to our assessor you have the necessary skills as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker.

The first stage is paper based, proving you are a Sheet Metal Trades worker through payslips, detailed CV, references, videos, photos, qualifications.  

The second stage is a technical interview with an Australian qualified Sheet Metal Trades Worker who is also a qualified trainer and assessor. This is a relaxed chat over Zoom or Skype where you have a one to one with our Australian Sheet Metal Trades Worker Assessors.  

It is not mandatory to hold a qualification to start the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment. You are required to EITHER hold your completed apprenticeship papers as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker and 3 years of paid work experience pre or post qualification. For example, if you are from the UK you would need your NVQ3 and 3 years of paid work experience.

If you have NO NV3, then you are required to have a minimum of 5 years paid work experience completing sheet metal tasks. It is common for clients to be assessed without holding any formal training or qualification so we use your 5 years of paid work experience as proof.

The skills assessment is required so you, the migrant, can apply for a visa to Australia. This is the way Australian Immigration can gauge that you are Sheet Metal Trades Worker under the Australian guidelines. Many people want to move to Australia as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker and without the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment delivered by an approved assessing body, Australian immigration have no way in checking a migrant has the necessary skills.

To emigrate to Australia as a Sheet Metal trades Worker you will need to complete the Sheet Metal trades Worker skills assessment for a skilled visa.

Australian Trade Training College (ATTC) is an approved TRA assessing body. They deliver the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment for migration to Australia.

They have an office in the Down Under Centre and can be contacted on +44 (0) 203 780 2437

The DUC collaborates with Australian Trade Training College (ATTC) to deliver the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment for migration to Australia. We know exactly what is required and offer an Agency service to assist with that skills assessment. The DUC Agency Fee is £550 + VAT.

What’s included in that Agency Fee?

You will receive a unique login to the DUC Client Portal which explains everything you need to provide, giving templates and precise details on what to gather and how to gather it. For many this is the hardest part of the process but is key to a successful application; we know what is required because the DUC Skills Team work closely with the assessing body. We have been part of the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment process for 8+ years. The DUC Skills Team will lodge your application and liaise with the assessing body.

Telephone assistance Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm – and even out-of-hours by arrangement. We have staff specifically dedicated to working with Sheet Metal Trade Workers, so you’ll always be working with the same person. 

As a DUC client you also have access to our exclusive Facebook Group where you can get expert help from other DUC  Sheet Metal Trade Workers who can give you an insight into the content of the technical interview.  You can chat with other DUC clients, who may be at different stages of the process, for their guidance on the English test, skills process and the practicalities of moving to Australia.  The DUC Visa Team post relevant updates as they happen.

We will also provide information on the various English tests available, the various scoring systems and even provide a 10% discount code for the PTE Pearson Academic test.

You, will receive FREE access to the DUC Employment Hub (and your partner, if applicable) – a tool that connects migrants to employers and provides invaluable assistance with your relocation.  You will receive a 1-hour consultation with a relocation expert who has migrated themselves. This consultation will introduce you to our service provider partners who can save you money on your move. See how the DUC EH works.

The Down Under Centre work with the assessing body for Sheet Metal Trade Workers looking to immigrate to Australia. We are very proud to be working with a TRA skills assessment provider, we have many years’ experience with clients and have the best software and plenty of experienced staff to hold your hand through the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment process. Migrating to Australia as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker has its challenges and you, the migrant, will have many of questions, we will know all the answers, be available through working hours to answer any of your questions.

As the occupation is classed as Sheet Metal Trades Worker, we can work you through what skill set is required for a successful skills assessment as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker. The Down Under Centre know what needs to be done and you can carry on working as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker while we give you a detailed list of what is required for the Australian skills assessment.

Your TRA Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment is valid for 3 years from the date the skills assessment was issued. This means you need to have your invitation to apply before the 3 years is up.

Your Australian Certificate III in Engineering as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker has no expiry date.

There is lots of work for Sheet Metal Trade Workers in Australia. Australia is a massive country and the need for Sheet Metal Trade workers is Australia wide.

The Down Under Centre works with Australian Sheet Metal Trade employers who take on our English speaking skilled migrants. The employers have no hesitation hiring our Sheet Metal Trade Workers moving to Australia by using our DUC Employment Hub. Our employment hub will also teach you how to prepare Sheet Metal Trade workers for their move to Australia. You will also receive a Skype chat with one of our relocation team.

At successful completion of your Australian Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment, you will receive your TRA skills assessment required for a skilled visa to Australia and you will also receive your Australian Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication. To work in Australia as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker, this Australian qualification is extremely important when looking for Sheet Metal Trades Worker jobs in Australia.

Yes, you can. First, complete our free visa points calculator. We’ll contact you to determine your eligibility for migrating to Australia and explain the Australian visa process. We have clients all over the world so you can emigrate to Australia as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker.

With a passport from the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA or New Zealand you automatically add 5 points to your partner’s application. If you completed the Sheet Metal Trades Worker skills assessment for Australia (and are under 45 years of age) this would add 10 points. 

Not only do you get extra points for an Australian skilled visa you will arrive in Australia with your Australian Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication. This is huge as employers want you to hold the necessary qualification so they can insure you to work. Australian Sheet Metal Trade employers need to follow strict health and safety requirements.

Applying for a skills assessment as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker to migrate to Australia does not necessarily require a qualification; this is dependent upon the country of your passport. 

The Down Under Centre has access to Australia’s Country Education Profiles and can confirm if your qualifications will be recognised so you can complete your skills assessment as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker and obtain a visa to work in Australia as a Sheet Metal Trades Worker. If you don’t hold any qualifications you can still move forward with your Australian skills assessment if you can provide 5 years of paid work experience.

Check out our blogs for migration to Australia: